Saturday, February 27, 2016

Water Rates Changes effective April 1 (RDNO approved compared to GVAC Original Recommendation)

Don Quixote Note:

  • The change at GVAC was to maintain the spread between the non Domestic Rate of 1.53 (in 2015) and 2.19 Residential above 80m3 rate (2015 Rate) which is 66 cents lower for non Domestic Customers. (Business,Institutional and Industrial.)
  • The rate change as originally passed by GVAC maintained this difference at a 1.67 vs 2.32 = 65 cents. )
  • The rate change as revised at RDNO increased this difference at a 1.58 vs 2.37 = 79 cents

At the Special May 2016 Rates meetings GVAC will meet to discuss the direction of this difference and how fast to equalize the NON Domestic and the Residential Rates. Agricultural rates will also be a source of discussion.
Below are the Approved Rates at RDNO and how they effect both the Residential Class (on right side of comparison) and the ICI (Institutional, industrial and Commercial ) on left side.
For Illustration at the 1000 M3 per Quarter level the ICI customer would pay $1682 per quarter which would be a 3.08% increase over the 2015 rates. By Contrast the residential customer would pay $2377 per quarter which is a 7.18% increase over 2015 rates.

The residential Customer would pay (2377-1682= $695 per quarter MORE)  than the ICI customer for the same quality water at this level of 1000m3/quarter.

RDNO APPROVED RATES Comparison Effective April 1,2016

Below are the Approved Rates at GVAC and how they would have  effected both the Residential Class (on right side of comparison) and the ICI (Institutional, industrial and Commercial ) on left side.
For Illustration at the 1000 M3 per Quarter level the ICI customer would pay $1772 per quarter which would be a 8.59% increase over the 2015 rates. By Contrast the residential customer would pay $2331 per quarter which is a 5.12% increase over 2015 rates. 

The residential Customer would pay (2331-1772= $559 per quarter MORE)  than the ICI customer for the same quality water at this level of 1000m3/quarter.

GVAC Orginally APPROVED RATES Comparison rescinded by RDNO

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