by Richard Rolke - Vernon Morning Star posted May 18, 2016 at 12:00 PM— updated May 18, 2016 at 1:18 PM
Greater Vernon's master water plan has overcome a major hurdle. On Wednesday, members of a stakeholders advisory committee unanimously agreed to recommended a direction on the master water plan to the Greater Vernon Advisory Committee. "It's the most viable option," said Monique Hubbs-Michiel,a SAC member. The group has recommended that Duteau Creek and Kalamalka Lake be maintained as drinking water sources and that two treatment plants remain. It also wants partial separation of agricultural land from treated water primarily in eastern Coldstream. GVAC is also being urged to proceed with filtration at the Mission Hill treatment plant before the Duteau Creek facility. Terry Mooney, a SAC member, levelled criticism at the process Wednesday but ultimately he raised his hand in favour of the final recommendation. "There's no point in opposing it because the majority of the committee decided otherwise," said Mooney, who represented Citizens for Changes to the Master Water Plan. "I didn't achieve 100 per cent of the objectives my group wanted, but it's headed in the right direction." Mooney is pleased there will be a role for the public as the master water plan unfolds. The Citizens for Changes to the Master Water Plan had pushed for a peer review of the water plan, but that request was denied by the SAC. "I've looked through all of the numbers and I don't see anyone magically coming up with another conclusion," said Don Gibbs, SAC member. The full scope of the master water plan is about $108 million over 50 years but the cost could depend on factors such as government grants and filtration being deferred or not occurring at Duteau. While a referendum is possible, funds could also come from reserves and existing revenue. The SAC recommendation will now go to GVAC for consideration and finally to the Regional District of North Okanagan board. Jim Garlick, SAC chairperson, is confident that the process will continue. "We need to make some decisions and move on. It will never be perfect but it will be an improvement," he said.
Water Review Makes 18 Recommendations
Posted on 5/18/2016 5:09 PM by Pete McIntyre 107.5 KISSFM
Greater Vernon's master water plan has got unanimous support as it moves to the next step. A stakeholders advisory committee has made 18 recommendations including maintaining Duteau Creek and Kalamalka Lake as water sources, with two treatment facilities. Regional District of North Okanagan Engineering G-M Dale McTaggart says the committee is also recommending partial separation of the farming and domestic water supplies, mostly in east Coldstream. "And then the pipe for separation be designed for full separation in the future." McTaggart says one suggested change would see filtration considered for the Mission Hill Treatment Plant, before Duteau Creek. "Mission Hill services 80 percent of the public with potable water, so why not put the money into filtration and get the cleanest water to 80% of the people?," McTaggart tells Kiss FM. Terry Mooney from the Group Citizens For Change, supported the recommendations, despite some reservations. "I'm satisfied to a point that we have succeeded in changing the direction of the master water plan in respect to now it's going to be involved with separation." Mooney gives the review's findings a passing grade."I would say, on a scale of one to ten, probably about a 6." Mooney also likes the idea for more public input into the plan in the future. "Provisions are being made for ongoing public representation. The form that will take has yet to be decided." The recommendations will next be considered by the Greater Vernon Advisory Committee.
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