Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Vernon Backs AAP For Search & Rescue Building

Vernon, BC, Canada / 1075 Beach Radio Vernon Pete McIntyre June 12, 2018 06:36 am
The biggest partner in the Regional District of North Okanagan has given its support to using an alternative approval process on the Vernon Search and Rescue borrowing question. Vernon council says it will support that process, as long as all the other RDNO partners do as well. “It’s happened in the past where the City of Vernon will support something and sometimes our partners don’t come on board. And when they don’t come on board, we get left holding the tab, as Vernon residents. So we want to make sure everybody is going to be on board,” Mund tells Beach Radio News. Councillor Juliette Cunningham says they have to take a stance. “We find ourselves being in part of functions that others aren’t, and all that means is it it costs our residents more.We’re just trying to make sure that everybody’s contributing to a service that is probably benefiting everybody,” says Cunningham. Mund feels there is a very good chance the measure will pass. “I don’t think there is an argument there (against the borrowing). You’ve got volunteers going out and rescuing people. That’s a pretty simple formula for people to support,” says Mund. The A-A-P — which still needs RDNO board approval — will determine if 3.5 million dollars is borrowed for land and a new building for the busy search group. Opponents of the plan would have to go to the RDNO office — or another location — during the process, and sign a form, saying they are opposed, with 10 percent of resident electors needed to derail the borrowing bylaw.
2018 budget for Search and Rescue:

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