Thursday, January 05, 2012

Pottery Rd Site Targeted For Park

Regional District of North Okanagan directors have decided where the bulk of the federal Gas Tax funds will go.  Of the 4.1 million dollars available, about 450 thousand has yet be decided on.Patrick NicolBoard Chair Patrick Nicol (pictured) says one target is the old Pottery Road recycling and disposal site in Vernon.It's to get a cleanup and seeding.Nicol tells Kiss FM, "Eventually it will be a park of some sort with some recreational amenities above the Pottery Road site." The location has been under a close down order for decades, and the cleanup will  run just under two million dollars. Nicol says the other major project is at the current Vernon landfill, also around two million dollars, to put in a methane gas control system. "And making sure we're containing those elements properly, and the same thing at the Pottery Road. There's still a little bit of leachate that comes off these properties."

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