Wednesday, May 30, 2012

RCMP become boot-camp mentors

Jennifer Zielinski - Castanet May 30, 2012 

RCMP officers often go above and beyond the call of duty to help out in the community.North Okanagan police spokesperson Gord Molendyk says this year several officers gave up many hours of their own time to help facilitate the annual Jean Minguy Cadet Camp."Cpl Terry Pakenham and Cst Mitch Steck (both now retired) come back each year and give their time for the whole week the camp is in operation. Mitch is the drill instructor and disciplinarian. Terry Pakenham was instrumental in a great deal of the fund raising that took place. He met with leaders of municipalities and School districts as well as several service clubs in the Okanagan as well as police detachments in the region."Cpl.Pakenham says he helps out with the camp because he likes to see the change in the youth from when they come to when they leave."The camp is life changing for them. Through this experience the cadets realize that the officers they meet are human just like them, " says Pakenham.There was a total of 14 regular members taking an active part of training and mentoring 48 young men and women this year. The cadets come from as far away as Golden in the north to Osoyoos in the south and were in grades 10 to 12.Molendyk says there are several officers that deserve recognition for going  above and beyond to make the camp successful and meaningful for the students."The coordinator of this annual camp is Cst. Kathy Szoboticsanec our School Liaison officer. She contributed over 60 plus hours of her own time preparing, fund raising, and selecting both the right officers to do the training for the week, as well and the student participants who applied to the program."Another noteworthy officer is Cst. Steven Schenkeveld from the North Okanagan Traffic Service unit was once a cadet at this camp himself, now he has come back as a mentor and leader for our youth."This year he spent about 50 to 60 hours of his own time canvassing sponsors and supporters in our community on his days off prior to the camp between both Vernon and in Kelowna obtaining donated items for the camp to lessen the financial burden of the students. In addition to this, he coordinated the entire traffic day whichinvolved arranging the local Fire dept staff as well as paramedics to create a dynamic crash scene complete with an actor sitting in a crashed vehicle with full make-up and prompts," says Molendyk.Cst. Dale Benfeld, of the Enderby Armstrong area, spent approximately 70 hours of his off duty time preparing the Regimental History curriculum for all the students.Cst. Nick Reimann, of Vernon, was at the cadet camp for his first time this year and Molendyk says Reimann was there night and day with the troop."He would start with PT at 5:45 each morning and was the last to do "lights out". Nick took it upon himself to contact various community providers and enlighten them about the Youth Academy."Cst. Mack McCall, of Lake Country,  should also be recognized for his dedication to the camp says Molendyk."He would complete his scheduled shift, then he would drive to Vernon and complete a full training day with the cadets. He was there for his days off while the camp was in progress. He also put in between 30 to 40 hours of time over that week."Although not every student attending the camp will graduate wanting to become a police officer, but Molendyk says for some the challenge has made them realize they can reach a much higher potential than they knew they had."While the focus of the week is on team work, the experience the young men and women gain during the week might convince some that police work is the career path they want to follow."Overall Molendyk says the experience is rewarding for both the students and the officers involved.

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