Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Canada has higher proportion of seniors than ever before

The Canadian Press Posted: May 29, 2012 8:46 AM ET
Canada is becoming a nation of the aging and the very young.  New census data shows Canada now has a higher proportion of seniors than ever before — a development that has crept up on society with far-reaching implications for health, finance, policy and everyday family relationships. At the same time, the latest tranche of 2011 census information shows a surprising 11-per-cent resurgence of toddlers — a burst of growth in the under-five population that is a complete reversal of trendlines a decade ago and is rejuvenating every region of the country. "I wouldn't call it a baby boom, although I think we can call it a significant increase," Laurent Martel, a demography expert at Statistics Canada, said in an interview. Generally, though, the census shows in great detail what most people already know intuitively: Canada is aging quickly as the baby boomers mature. (more)

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