Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Vernon city staff earning more than $75,000 climbs

Vernon's mayor is concerned about the public perception that wages are out of control. Eighty-two employees earned more than $75,000 a year in 2011, up from 66 in 2010. "We have to not only provide services, we have to be seen as providing the service in the best manner possible," said Mayor Rob Sawatzky. "It's part of why we are having a core service review." The review will look at all city function and determine if there is value for money. Of the 82 employees earning more than $75,000 a year, 26 were in the fire department, 25 were from operations, 12 were in administration, seven were from the planning department, five were in finance, four were from engineering, one was from recreation and one was at the airport. The top earner (both salary and expenses) was former chief administrative officer Leon Gous at $176,684.
Vernon Staff Costs Near $21 Million Written
 by Peter McIntyre  107.5 KISSFM Monday, 28 May 2012 18:40  
Staff costs continue to skyrocket at Vernon City Hall.
The city's 2011 annual report shows 82 staff were paid $75,000 or more, 18 more than the year before.
The amount paid to staff in earnings and expenses was $20.9 million, up over one million dollars, in one year. Councillor Brian Quiring has concerns about the rising costs, and feels an upcoming core service review will look into it. "We're just starting to consider what that's going to look like, and I'm going to wait for the consultant and the new CAO to guide that process." Former administrator Leon Gous led all city staff with a salary of $169,126 plus expenses of $7,558 (total $176,684) Twelve employees were paid over $100,000 Councillor Bob Spiers says the rising costs are one of the reasons why a spending review will get underway in the next few months. "A core service review is to review expenses, as far as salaries, and try to figure a way of delivering them in a more efficient fashion." Spiers says the report will also look at how the city can increase revenues. 26 members of Vernon Fire Rescue were among the top 82 paid staff. Councillor Patrick Nicol says the fire costs amount to about one-third of staff costs. "We have a professional fire fighting force and other communities do not, and they work hard, and they are well trained. That makes it look very dramatic."
The public can give input on the annual report at the next city council meeting June 11.

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