Friday, June 22, 2012

BC: Penticton Cuts 16 Staff from $75,000+ List

Taxpayers wanting to see salary and staffing sanity return to their local city hall should take heart with the news out of Penticton this week.
The Penticton Western News reports that sixteen fewer Penticton city workers earned more than $75,000 last year. In 2010, Penticton reported 75 people earning $75,000 or more, for a total of $7.1 million. Last year, 59 people made that list, for a total of $5.5 million.
From the story:
“That definitely bucks the trend in B.C.,” said Jordan Bateman, provincial director of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation. “I don’t know of any other agency in B.C. that’s seen a reduction in highly paid staff.” 
The contentious core services review resulted in dozens of layoffs and a leaner operating structure, but was necessary to get the city’s fiscal affairs in order, said Mayor Dan Ashton. “In the country as a whole, we’ve had to pull our horns in, and the city has done that and there have been substantial changes.”
I suspect a Penticton-style core services review will be the cornerstone of many 2014 civic election platforms. After all, it worked.
By: Jordan Bateman
Posted: June 22, 2012

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