Friday, June 22, 2012

Topic sparks passion

I would like to take this opportunity to clarify and expand on my quoted comments in the June 13, edition of The Morning Star regarding the proposed Parking Strategy Implementation. Am I pleased about the proposed increase to $1 per hour on 30th Ave? No. Am I pleased with the direction council has taken? A resounding Yes! I do strongly feel council and city staff have listened to the DVA on this issue. We will see the formation of a Parking Advisory Committee and council has directed that committee to address the proposed rate increase there. Additional revenue collected is to go towards improved parking. The formation of a Parking Advisory Committee clearly indicates that parking has finally become an important enough issue to actually move forward, to address concerns now and in the future. Our community is still spread out, with the majority of our downtown shoppers and our employees still traveling to the core by vehicle. That is our reality. Keeping the current time frames on 30th Ave. and improving the parkade are also items to be pleased with. Having a parking committee will definitely allow us to address numerous strategies, the actual Parking Consultants report has more than 50 recommendations. We will now have a venue in which to do analysis on the recommendations. We will also have an opportunity to address the "net loss" of parking in the downtown core, we might be able to at the very least maintain what we have, that would be pleasing.
I thank the numerous members of the public who took the time to contact me on this topic. I will keep your comments on file. It appears that parking is a topic that often sparks passion, and yes, I'm pleased that many of your comments translate to your passion and support for the downtown.

Ruth Hoyte, president, Downtown Vernon Association
Don Quixote Note: Letter posted with permission of Authore.

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