Friday, June 22, 2012

Lumby expenses draw zero input

How politicians spend money doesn’t appear to be an issue for Lumby taxpayers. No residents attended Monday’s council meeting to provide input on the village’s 2011 annual report. The  document includes council and staff remuneration, service contracts and capital expenditures. “I was surprised no one showed up to discuss what’s going on,” said Mayor Kevin Acton. “Residents must feel we’re doing a good job here.” Remuneration figures for 2011 show Acton received $18,576 in wages ($12,641) and expenses ($5,935). Coun. Lori Mindnich had wages of $6,697 and expenses of $4,227 for a total of $10,924. For former councillors, there were total wages and expenses of $10,337 for Janet Green, $9,065 for Tracy Williamson and $7,245 for Ben Winters. For councillors elected in November, there was $386 each for Jo Anne Fisher, Nick Hodge and Randal Ostafichuk. The only staff earning more than $75,000 in 2011 (wages and expenses) were public works manager Roger Huston at $78,106 and finance director Ken Klassen at $91,274.
Enderby politicians aren’t expecting an uprising over their wages. The city’s 2011 annual report indicates that a total of $76,473 was paid out in remuneration and expenses to nine elected officials. “It certainly hasn’t been an issue in past years,” said Coun. Earl Shipmaker of a lack of public feedback on compensation. Remuneration is based on B.C.’s cost of living. “None of us are out there as full-time politicians and it’s fair,” said Coun. Greg McCune. Topping the list in 2011 was former mayor Dee Wejr, who had remuneration of $14,773 and expenses of $3,912 (for a total of $18,685). That was followed by Coun. Beryl Ludwig with pay of $8,765 and expenses of $2,934 (total $11,699). Howie Cyr, who spent most of the year as a councillor and then was elected mayor in November, had compensation of $10,581 — $7,975 in remuneration and $2,606 in expenses. For the other councillors serving a full term, there was total compensation of $10,500 for Tony Vetter (not elected in November), $8,025 for Brad Case, $7,925 for McCune and $7,265 for Shipmaker. The two new councillors elected in November — Raquel Knust and Tundra Baird — had remuneration and expenses of $897 each.

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