Friday, June 22, 2012

City payroll, who's on top

Wages paid out to staff by the City of Kelowna increased by four per cent in 2011, over levels paid the previous year. Figures were released Thursday as part of the city's 2011 Annual Report. The four per cent increase equates to an additional $2.3M in wages. The report, which council will review Monday, shows the number of staff earning more than $75,000 a year increased by 30 in 2011. Special Projects Manager, Jackie Dueck, who prepared the report, says the reason was the number of CUPE employees who earned more than $75,000 increased by 28 over 2010. Dueck says the number of staff is impacted by contract increases which affect those positions that were previously just under the $75,000 threshold. "The number of staff is also impacted by the amount of overtime worked in 2011 and a contract increase for 2010 that was paid in 2011," says Dueck in her report. In all, 253 staff members on the City of Kelowna payroll pull in a wage of more than $75,000. That includes 99 management employees, 93 firefighters and 61 CUPE employees. Sixty-one employees earn a pay cheque of $100,000 or more. City Manager Ron Mattiussi is the top wage earner, pulling in $250,000 a year.
There are five other management staff earning more than $140,000 a year including
  • John Vos, Community Services GM - $186,969
  • David Graham, Strategic Initiatives Director - $174,111
  • Jim Paterson, Community Sustainability GM - $165,891
  • Sam Samaddar, Airport Director - $147,190
  • Joe Creron, Civic Operations Director - $141,717
In 2011, the city paid out $57.8M in wages and another $577,000 in expenses. According to the report, the city also paid out $294.7M for goods and services and another $5.2M in grants and contributions. Council remuneration totaled another $230,000 for 2011.

Item 5.1 - 2011 Annual Report.pdf (508kb) (2012-06-21)   

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