Saturday, June 23, 2012

Swan Ceremony Event Saturday for Duchess

6/22/2012 AM 1150 News:
Vernon Mayor Rob Sawatzky will perform a ceremony on Saturday, June 23 at 11:00 a.m. in Polson Park near the windmill by the pond that Duchess swam in.  The ceremony is to dedicate a plaque, donated by the citizens who loved Duchess. Duchess, the swan who graced Vernon's Polson Park for over 25 years, was injured February 20th, nursed back to health by City of Vernon Staff, returned to the Park on February 24th, but  passed away February 28th. When her mate was killed about 15 years ago, Duchess formed a bond with Ron Gibson, a City of Vernon Building Maintenance employee.
 City Staff set up a page for her   
Eulogy to the Swan 
 Swan of alabaster skin and feathers sublime
That is mute in life but sings at twilight of life
Royally sailing in the stagnant lotus riddled waters
Of the lake a mirror to sun and moon alike
And with images of lofty cotton puffs of clouds sailing
That are drenched in rainbow at birth and demise of the day
The bird pious to Apollo, icon of poets and artists
In whom the souls of dead artists resides
Whose egg hatched to give life to Helen
Beauty incarnate and a poetry breathing in feminity
Who is the symbol of undying love and fidelity
Whose feathers are never wet by the waters which they sail
Juat as nobel souls never imbibe the abounding vices of the world
Sacred to the Goddess of knowledge Saraswati
Surviving on the pearls fed to them
Ugly as a cygnet it blooms into beauty in youth
Its neck lengthened by vanity and obstinacy
It is a bird unblemished in its beauty
Like innocent unaffected thoughts of a child
And the unsullied petals of a rose within tentacles of sepals
Like the pearl that is pure within the oyster's womb
And love unspoken and nascent in rhythm of frantic pulses
Of juvenile souls that is abloom in eyes flowering with affection
That is untouched by the fingers of passion
Also the virgin sands of a new coral island just born
The swan has its beauty defined in varied ways...

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