Tuesday, June 26, 2012

City Pushes Ahead With Downtown Revite

The final part of Vernon's main street in the owntown is on track to get revitalized. Council has approved $100,000 to design an upgrade of 30th Avenue from 33rd to 35th streets, decreasing the traffic from four lanes to two, while adding landscaping, lighting, and and other features, similar to the other parts of 30th Ave. Councillor Patrick Nicol says the actual work could begin next spring. "It will be positive for the overall downtown. It will make it safer on the long term because the more activity that takes place and the more refurbishing, the better off it is for the overall economy of the community." The project will also include some utility and service upgrades in that area which city engineer Mark Dowhaniuk told council, some of which are in "pretty poor condition."Councillor  Bob Spiers was among two opponents, questioning taxpayers having to cover 1.7 million of the project's 2 million cost. "I can't see why we would go ahead with this project at this time," he said. Councillor Juliette Cunningham was opposed, saying it isn't fair to participants of earlier revite projects. "I have no problem with business revitalization but traditionally it has been the businesses that are involved that have paid for that. This is a dramatic shift from that, and I just don't think it's an equitable way of approaching it." However, Councillor Brian Quiring says he's all for it, saying anything that can be done to improve the downtown, is a win for the entire community. The motion to proceed with the design work was approved by a 5-2 vote.

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