Monday, June 25, 2012

Councillors accuse city of being anti-development

Some Vernon politicians insist existing policies aren't development friendly. An often heated discussion occurred Monday after city staff recommended denying an application for a 33-lot,  low-density subdivision on 14 acres on Eastside Road because there is considerable land inventory already  approved for such uses. "We are anti-development because we have years of lots and until that's gone, we're holding tight," said Coun. Brian Quiring. A staff report says Vernon has existing approved capacity for 40,600 units to accommodate a population of 89,700 people. Quiring says this particular project may address a certain need within the market. In the end, a majority of council defeated the staff recommendation to deny the change in land use designation from rural agricultural to residential low density. Any further consideration of the application is on hold, though, until staff provides a report with details on Vernon's existing development land inventory. Look for more in Wednesday's Morning Star.

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