Sunday, June 03, 2012

DCC Analysis 2009-2011

This table shows the DCC's (Development Cost Charge) levies that have flowed through the City of Vernon DCC Reserve Accounts for the last 3 years.

The Balance for 2011 is at Dec. 31, 2011. For example Road DCC's have a balance of $1,719,000. This is the DCC Reserve from which $1,045,000 (95%) will be drawn to pay for the recent land purchase  in May of 2012. This reserve will be replenished by any DCC's charged to development in 2012.

The $3,370,000 used in 2011 was for authorized DCC Road Capital Projects done in 2011. The budgeted projects can be found at P.182 of 2011-2015 Financial Plan.  They included the 29th st Polson Greenway project (Phase 2) and the 25th Avenue extension work completed in 2011. (Other projects were also completed including phase 2 of the 20th st capital works project. TR27). (Actual final DCC $ used will vary from Budgeted numbers.) There were no Road DCC's budgeted in 2012.  (See P. 275 of 2012-2016 Financial Plan)

There are 2 different Roads DCC projects Programs for which development pays their applicable share of the DCC's pot. (See Below). These projects are intended to be funded over a 40 year full build out period. A full posting (including Sewer and Sanitary projects) on all DCC Programs is available here.

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