Saturday, June 02, 2012

Federal cash for roads, sewers to continue, minister pledges

The Canadian Press Posted: Jun 2, 2012 10:47 AM PT
 The president of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities says mayors across the country are relieved that the federal government has committed to extending a major infrastructure fund. Infrastructure Minister Denis Lebel announced at the federation's annual convention in Saskatoon Friday that the seven-year, $33-billion fund begun in 2007 will continue past 2014. Federation president Berry Vrbanovic says there was anxiety among the mayors over how the program was coming along. Lebel said he will chair a series of roundtable discussions across the country over the summer to gather views from municipalities, corporations and the public on Canada's infrastructure needs.
Don Quixote Note:
Below is a table of the last 3 years of the present Gas Tax  plan. As you can see Vernon's share in 2011 was $1,018,000.(actually $1,017,830.73) That same yearly amount will also be given to Vernon in  the 2012/13 and 2013/14 fiscal year. (March 31 end date)

Figures rounded

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