Sunday, June 10, 2012

Homeless worried over new Modesto ordinance

Saturday, Jun. 09, 2012 Modesto Bee
Some homeless people responded with defiance to Modesto's recently approved anti-camping ordinance. Others said it will be another hassle of enduring life on the streets. "I am just going to pray to figure out what to do," said Gary Nicholas, a Bible-reading man who has stayed in makeshift campsites near Dry Creek when he couldn't get a bed at a shelter. "People will be dealing with more tickets, more court cases." For years, Modesto police have enforced rules against camping in parks and conducted sweeps of homeless campsites. But an ordinance approved by the City Council last week will make unauthorized camping on public and private property a misdemeanor violation. Under the ordinance, it will be unlawful and considered a public nuisance for a person to store personal property, including camp paraphernalia, on public land or private property without the owner's written consent. Violators cited or arrested on a misdemeanor charge could be sentenced to jail and probation. Modesto's ordinance still will let families hold backyard camp outs, but will limit camping on residential property to five days. In addition, the city will have authority to remove illegal campsites on private property.

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