Monday, June 04, 2012

Hospital Bed Upgrade 'Moving Forward'

Written by Peter McIntyre 107.5 KISSFM   Monday, 04 June 2012 03:18
  VJH-Polson TowerThe next phase of the upgrade to Vernon's hospital is underway. It was a month ago Health Minister Mike de Jong announced new beds for the top two floors of the new tower. Vernon Monashee MLA Eric Foster tells Kiss FM,  a committee of staff, management and technical people have been talking about what facilities are needed. He says, "The professionals that are putting this together have to come up with a plan at what they want, and then the architects will have to draw it all out, and then they will go to tender." Foster says they should have a better idea of the cost--and how many beds will be included--after this process is complete. "They are at the table doing the actual lay-out of the plan, and moving forward with it." The Health Minister has only said it will cost more than 20 million dollars. The new beds will address regular overcrowding at Vernon Jubilee Hospital. Each floor can accommodate up to 30 beds.
 Don Quixote Note: Meeting to approve 2011 Financial Statements at RDNO:
North Okanagan Regional Hospital District Board
Wednesday, June 6, 2012 - 4:00 pm - Regular
  • Agenda (p.4 Financial Statements)
  • 1.    2011 Financial Statements – North Okanagan Regional Hospital District
    -    Staff memorandum dated May 29, 2012
    RECOMMENDATION 3    Page 4 (Weighted Corporate Vote) That as recommended by the Audit Committee, the North Okanagan Regional Hospital District that the 2011 Financial Statements be approved as presented.

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