Wednesday, June 06, 2012

RDNO Salaries Down

Written by Peter McIntyre 107.5 KISSFM Wednesday, 06 June 2012 02:22 
  The Regional District of North Okanagan has managed to keep a lid on staff salaries. RDNO's annual report shows $5.22 million was spent on staff last year, about $50,000 less than the year before. Board chair Patrick Nicol says they're trying to run a lean operation. "In terms of the overall growth of the regional district cost wise, it's well within the cost of living." Twenty-three employees were paid 75-thousand dollars or more, and nine were over one-hundred thousand. The top paid staffer was Finance Manager David Sewell at $126,912. Nicol says one reason is a decision to --so far-- not rehire the position of Parks Manager. "It's one the board would like to see filled, but because we're reviewing a number of aspects of the parks--and those discussions are going very well--we've held off on that." The parks manager position was costing $122,654 a year when long time employee Al McNiven retired last year. Nicol was paid $14,586 for his contributions last year, and he claimed no expenses. "But there are a lot of meetings, so you will see my stipend go up, but I am working hard on behalf of the people." The top paid politician last year was former chair Herman Halvorson with $37,442 remuneration, and another $9,693 in expenses. The total cost for RDNO directors and committee members was $273,479 in 2011.

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