Sunday, June 17, 2012

Vernon in favour of ridership share

By Roger Knox - Vernon Morning Star Published: June 17, 2012 1:00 AM
One Vernon councillor believes the city and surrounding partners should pay for the UBC Okanagan bus based on riders. The Regional District of North Okanagan has given first reading to a bylaw stating that its share of the net annual cost of the UBCO transit service be apportioned based on ridership with changes to the ridership percentages made at a minimum every three years, based on a two week on-bus survey. Patrick Nicol, who is also the chairperson for RDNO, thinks the bylaw should be tweaked. “I would recommend that the partners participate in the UBCO service based on ridership,” said Nicol. “But I’d like to see an annual survey, and that prior to June 30 of 2013 there be a discussion of additional service for UBCO trips prior to September.” Figures released by RDO show that Vernon has 70 per cent ridership, followed by Coldstream at 20. 6 per cent. Electoral Area B has 6.6 per cent ridership and the Township of Spallumcheen sits at 1.2 per cent. All of the other partners – Armstrong, Enderby, Lumby and Electoral Areas D and F are at less than one per cent. Nicol said Electoral Area C also wants to be part of the partnership. He added that a working group on the proposal could consider reducing UBCO service through the summer months, May to August, but without any additional cost they could increase trips in the other eight months, September to April. “We should be trying to encourage transit not only for students but for non-students as well,” said Coun. Juliette Cunningham. Vernon council unanimously supported Nicol’s motion. The City of Armstrong, at its regular council meeting, deferred any decision until they get more figures on the ridership.

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