Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Foster Tops Abbott in Travel Costs

Written by Peter McIntyre  107.5 KISSFM Wednesday, 31 October 2012 16:06
Eric Foster
MLA Eric Foster
  M-L-A's in B-C racked up 1.5 million dollars in travel expenses in the first half of this fiscal year. The government has released M-L-A travel expenses for the first time ever. The M-L-A who spent the most on travel was Skeena New Democrat Robin Austin, with billings of 53-thousand dollars. He was followed by Penticton Liberal Bill Barisoff, the speaker of the house, whose expenses were 46-thousand dollars. Vernon MLA Eric Foster had travel bills of $31,243, while Shuswap's George Abbott was at $9,549. Click HERE for more information on the expenses. (or All Members’ Travel Expenses – April 1, 2012 – September 30, 2012 (posted October 31, 2012) [ PDF ])

Don Quixote Note:
 Note 3 Capital City Allowance ‐ Per Diem Members are paid a daily per diem rate of $61 per day while in Victoria on Legislative Assembly business (no receipts are required). (Meals Etc.) This would indicate that MLA Abbott charged $0 for his Victoria Daily expenses while MLA Foster charged $2,166 indicating approx. 35.5 days. (Only 2 MLA's  Krueger, Kevin charged more (2,498), Simons, Nicholas ($2,312) ).

Capital City Allowance ‐ Accommodation Members from outside the Capital Regional District are paid an allowance to cover their accommodation costs while in Victoria. There are a number of options available to Members depending on whether they chose to rent, own a second residence, or stay in hotels. The allowance is subject to annual maximums depending on the option selected.

A maximum of $17,000 per year is available for the Hotel option. Based upon MLA Foster's claim for this 6 month period of $8,400 then his hotel rate would be $8,400/35.5 = $236.62 per day.

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