Thursday, November 01, 2012

Merchants Back City Revite Project

Conceptual design of 30th Ave from 33rd to 35th streets in downtown Vernon
Conceptual design of upgraded 30th Avenue from 33rd to 35th
Written by Peter McIntyre  107.5 KISSFM Thursday, 01 November 2012 03:29  
Original Budget Estimate

A plan to revitalize another part of Vernon's downtown has taken a big step forward.  81 percent of the property owners, representing 66 percent of the property  value,  support funding street scape improvements on 30th Avenue from 33rd to 35th streets, near Corbett's Office Equipment and Bookland. There was 91 percent participation from the property owners. City infrastructure engineer Mark Dowhaniuk tells Kiss FM, "That is the biggest step to be quite honest. We wouldn't be in there  without that support. It's very encouraging and should carry on throughout the project." Dowhaniuk says the city will be putting in new infrastructure, sidewalks and trees, while the merchants will cover other amenities. "So they are basically paying for the decorative working, the street furniture, bike racks, garbage receptacles and the twinkle lights you see on the other end of downtown."The road would be reduced from four lanes of traffic, to two. Dowhaniuk expects construction on the estimated two million dollar project to start next spring with completion in July, before the summer tourism season. City council has already approved 100-thousand dollars for the design work to be lead by the Focus Corporation. At last report, the city will pick up about $1.7M of the cost. The rest of 30th Avenue was upgraded years ago in stages.

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