Friday, January 04, 2013

Community Gardens Sprout Staff Request

Written by Peter McIntyre  107.5 KISSFM Friday, 04 January 2013 06:01
  GVACInterest in community gardens is growing in Vernon—so much so that local government is being asked to make an investment in staff. Spokesperson Wendy Aasen has asked the Greater Vernon Advisory Committee for an extra ten thousand dollars for coordination of volunteers and administration of the gardens in East Hill, West Vernon, and Patchwork Community Farms on the Okanagan College site. She told the directors,"We really think this is a small investment with lots of pay off to the community." Aasen says one of their partners, the Kindale Developmental Association, is willing to take on the administration duties. GVAC will discuss the request at its next meeting. Aasen says most of the garden participants, who pay a fee for the service, are residents who don't have room for a garden, and do it for food and recreation purposes.

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