Friday, January 04, 2013

Manabb Tops Kiss In Vote;Limit Put on Speakers

Written by Peter McIntyre  107.5 KISSFM Friday, 04 January 2013 06:02 
GVAC Secret Ballot Counter
Mike Macnabb  The Greater Vernon Advisory Committee has opted to stick with its current leader. BX Silver Star (Area C) director Mike Macnabb has been re-elected to a second one year term as chair of the parks, recreation and culture board. He beat out Gyula Kiss of Coldstream for the position in a secret ballot. Kiss was chosen the vice chair by acclamation. Meantime, the committee has set a ten minute limit for delegation presentations, but if two-thirds of members agree, it can go longer. The previous guideline was 15 minutes, but wasn't always adhered to. "The reality is we don't have unlimited time and we deal with a lot of groups. This gives us a tool to maximize the functionality of our meetings," said Vernon director Rob Sawatzky.

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