Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Mayor Says Police Cuts Won't Impact Crime

Written by Peter McIntyre  107.5 KISSFM Tuesday, 22 January 2013 16:33 Vernon RCMP
Vernon RCMP may lose two officers due to city budget restraint, but the mayor doesn't think it will impact crime levels. Rob Sawatzky says there's no plans to revisit council's decision to hold police budget increases to 1.8%, the same as other departments. He says the Mounties have a done a good job, but they're not the only reason for recent success. "The greatest reduction in crime, which has been quite dramatic in the downtown area the last six years or so, has been a coordination of all the social agencies and non profits that work together," the mayor tells Kiss FM. Sawatzky says RCMP is the city's biggest expense, but is only one part of safety and protection. "You have to make some decisions as to cost benefit. At what point do you need to keep increasing police numbers, versus the benefit you get?" Sawatzky says he's heard nothing but support so far from residents for the move. RCMP Superintendent Reg Burgess says having less officers in the downtown, will lead to a marked increase in crime. He had been seeking a 5.8 percent budget hike, and will likely cut his officer staff from 50, to 48 in the spring. He also may have to chop 1.5 positions in support staff. Unlike other department heads who report to the city's CAO, the RCMP Superintendent reports directly to the mayor, but Sawatzky isn't disapointed Burgess is speaking out on the issue. "I'm not upset at him. You have to understand we have different roles. He advocates for the police and its members. Our role is to advocate for the public and the community," says Sawatzky.

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