Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Review demanded of Coldstream council's actions

by Richard Rolke - Vernon Morning Star posted Jan 29, 2014 at 7:00 AM
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The fight over Greater Vernon governance is heating up. The Greater Vernon Governance Society is demanding the provincial government review actions taken by Coldstream council prior to it deciding not to support a study into possibly merging local jurisdictions. “Their actions of meeting as a quorum with the Coldstream Ratepayers Association, and encouraging the 60 ratepayers in attendance at that meeting to come out and support their position to not agree to any study, clearly shows they had predetermined their decision because of their personal biases toward not changing the governance structure in the area,” states a society release. “We believe, in common with other municipal jurisdictions, councillors should not offer personal opinions in public forums, and when a quorum of elected officials is present and speaking on a topic, formal minutes should be taken and entered into the public record.” The society is calling for all jurisdictions to hold a referendum this fall asking residents if they support a governance study. Look for more in Friday's Morning Star.

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