January 29, 2014 - 9:38 AM Info-Tel Multimedia
WASHINGTON - It looks like another major political hot potato has just landed on President Barack Obama's desk: what to do about Justin Bieber. That's because a petition on the White House website about the controversy-prone Canadian pop star has just crossed the crucial threshold of 100,000 signatures. Once it reaches that total, the White House is compelled to offer a reply. The petition topic is: "Deport Justin Bieber back to Canada and revoke his green card." It was posted last week after Bieber's arrest in Miami following a drag-racing incident, which came on the heels of a police raid on his house where one of Bieber's friends was arrested for cocaine possession. The number of signatures zoomed to more than 101,000 early today. The White House instituted its 100,000-signature requirement after its website was flooded with spoof petitions — including one demanding that America build an "$850,000,000,000,000,000, Star Wars-style Death Star.'' The White House had to produce a tongue-in-cheek suggestion to that one. It informed people that a Death Star was not fiscally feasible in a time of budgetary constraints.
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