Monday, January 12, 2015

Grant Sought For Dam Increase

Written by Peter McIntyre 107.5 KISSFM Monday, 12 January 2015 06:00
Local government plans to apply for a grant to protect Greater Vernon during drought years, and prevent flooding issues in Lumby. Greater Vernon Advisory is recommending the Regional District of North Okanagan board seek 9.5 million dollars in federal gas tax cash to raise the height of Aberdeen Dam by five metres. GVAC director Jim Garlick says the project would allow more water to be stored. "If you said we have dry years here and how can we protect against drought, and you explained that we have extra water license on that and we could collect more water in times of heavy snow, I think most people would agree with that," Garlick tells Kiss FM. Water staff say adding an extra metre to the height would add three million dollars to the cost, but could provide flood protection to Lumby along Duteau Creek, and fisheries benefits. Increasing the dam's height was one of the projects in the failed 70 million dollar water referendum in November, but directors felt that result was more due to voter's concerns about a lack of provincial funding, than the projects themselves.

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