(Excerpt(s) from above agenda Item.)
That it be recommended to the Board of Directors, an application by the Regional District of
North Okanagan to the New Building Canada Fund - Small Communities Fund for the Greater
Vernon Water Metering Improvement Program to install radio read meters be endorsed.
A. GVW Metering Improvement Program - $50,000 was targeted in the 2014 GVW capital budget to undertake a review of equipment, meter reading methods, compatibility and cost of software and equipment and purchase the equipment needed to collect meter readings with radio transmitters and install approximately 100 radio transmitters on RDNO meters that are classified as "difficult to read".During the review of meter radio read equipment with various suppliers, other issues with the current GVW metering system were identified, including more meters that required radios in the RDNO area, a request from the City of Vernon to install a minimum of 100 radios in the Vernon area for their "difficult to read" meters and the identification of a large number of very old meters in the Vernon and Coldstream system that are likely attributing to revenue losses. In addition, GVW is looking at a long term goal of transition to a "fixed" radio read system within 3 to 5 years. (A "fixed" system refers to an automated data collection system where the information is transmitted to a "collector" and the information can be download onto computers at designated locations.) Based on the review result, additional funds are included in the 2015 GVW capital budget for additional radio transmitters for Vernon and Coldstream and pilot water meter replacement programs for the ICI and domestic customer sectors. It is anticipated that these pilot projects will identify the need for an aggressive water meter replacement program and highlight the benefits of radio transmitters. If the pilot water meter replacement program in GVW compares to other jurisdictions, it is anticipated that replacing the 15 year and older meters could have an acceptable payback period. The benefits of installing radio transmitters on GVW meters and having a fixed data collection system are:
• Relatively low cost to install the collection system as GVW already has an extensive infrastructure to support through the existing SCADA system. This infrastructure (towers and other water infrastructure sites) will be fully utilized to support the radio read system.
• A reduction in GVW operational costs. It is estimated that GVW spends a minimum of $250,000 to manually reading and re-read the GVW meters.
• Each jurisdiction can format the incoming information to meet their independent needs
• Can link to the Provincial Property Management System through the GVW GIS system, thereby getting more refined customer based information as requested by Greater Vernon Advisory Committee (GVAC) to assist in rate setting
• Can provide better customers service. For example, leaks can be better identified so that staff can notify customers in a timely fashion, or staff will have the ability to download 40 days of water use data from each location to better assist customers
• Improved operations as radio transmitters will identify when a meter is tampered with and if backflow is occurring
• Improve safety for operations by reduced visits to private residents
• As technology improves, we anticipate that all property owners will be able to monitor their own water consumption via internet access to their water accounts
A preliminary estimate for the full implementation of the Meter Improvement Program is
as follows:
• lnfrastructural renewal portion (not eligible for grant) $5,950,000.
• Remote reading equipment and fixed communication system $2,400,000*
*Note: This is an estimate based on the information received to date, staff are still negotiating with suppliers and will have use the finalized quote for the application due on Feb. 18, 2015. Based on the criteria of the grants, staff are recommending that GVW apply to the New Building Canada Fund for a total of $2,400,000 to install the full installation of the Radio Transmitters and Fixed Radio Read system and commit to funding 1/3 (or $800,000) over 3 years as part of the grant application.
Don Quixote Note:
The decision to apply for grants from the Feds program was carried at the GVAC meeting of Jan 8 and approved at the RDNO meeting of Jan 21.
'Small Communities Fund and Strategic Priorities Fund Grant Applications for Greater
Vernon Water
Moved and seconded by Directors Quiring and Dirk
That an application by the Regional District of North Okanagan to the New Building Canada
Fund – Small Communities Fund for the Greater Vernon Water Metering Improvement Program
to install radio read meters be endorsed.
also see
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