Monday, September 28, 2015

Opposition to parks plan

by Darren Handschuh CASTANET Sep 28, 2015 / 5:08 pm
Vernon city councillors Bob Spiers and Scott Anderson did not endorse the city's master park plan, Monday – but they did so for different reasons. Spiers didn't like the one per cent annual tax over 10 years worked into the plan. “There is language in there that concerns me,” said Spiers. “Once you put something in the master plan, it could come back to haunt you.” Anderson, meanwhile, was standing up for dog owners who want an area near Marshall Fields left as an off-leash dog park. The plan calls for the entire Okanagan Landing park to be on-leash only. The matter was discussed at length at council's last meeting, with city officials told there is concern dogs running up and down the banks of Vernon Creek could erode frog habitat. But, Anderson said, the airport expansion plan will have a much greater impact on the amphibians. He said opponents' argument doesn't hold water. He said he is more concerned for the dog owners, adding “there is a great deal of support” for the off-leash park and he has yet to speak with anyone against it. Coun. Juliette Cunningham said “one email won't unravel the parks plan,” referring to people wanting an off-leash park. “I received emails from people congratulating us on our plans. We can talk with our partners and look at the on-leash off-leash issue,” said Cunningham, who chairs the Greater Vernon Advisory Committee. But Anderson fired back, saying the matter has “nothing to do with GVAC, because the park is city property.” In the end, council agreed to accept the master park plan as is.

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