Sunday, March 28, 2010

Makes you stop and think ? (Posting from Aug 17/08)

This same water in Vernon in 2010 would cost 92 cents per Cu. Meter. 12,096 Litres or 12.096 cu. Meters would cost

This same water in Vernon (2008) would cost 80 cents per Cu. Meter. 12,096 Litres or 12.096 cu. Meters would cost $9.68

Toronto's rate in the illustration is calculated at $1.40 per cu. Meter. Actual rates as of 2008 are $1.8625 per cu. litre. (A 5% discount is applied if domestic bill paid by a certain time.)

This is for first 6000 cu. meters per year for all water customers. Industrial consumers get a lesser rate of $1.4612 per cu. meter for all water used in excess of the first 6000 cu. meters.
Don Quixote Note: This is definitely not the incline block rate of charging for water that many of us have been advocating for years and was promised by water manager Al Cotsworth at least 3-5 years ago. More on this method will be posted in the coming weeks. You can see some of my past rants in the water Category including last one entitled Water Rates Vernon.

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