Friday, April 18, 2008

Vernon Water Rates

Starlee Speers, Astral Media Radio - Vernon

Residents in Greater Vernon will see their water utility bill rise again this year. Water manager Al Cotsworth estimates the 5.5 per cent increase will amount to roughly twenty two dollars more per household this year. Greater Vernon Services director Cliff Kanester opposed the hike and says there should be more focus on water conservation. Kanester says there are many policies which promote water conservation but there's no financial incentive for people to do so. Kanester suggests block billing for water so those who use more, pay more.


Don Quixote Note: I have been pushing for the idea of Inclining Block Rates for at least 5 years. I even have Al Cotsworth on record as saying they are a great idea that they will be pursuing once the water plan matures. That was at least 3 years ago. What does it take for the GVSC to discuss this conservation matter and implement it. For historical perspective I offer the following part of Vernon's Water History:

Vernon, City of
Inclining Block Rate Fee Structure
In 1994 Vernon adopted flat and increasing block rate pricing structures. The prices, listed below, are designed to reward users for efficient use. As use increases, so too do water rates:
(a) up to 40 m3/quarter $33
(b) 41 — 300 m3/quarter $0.34/m3
(c) greater than 300 m3/quarter $0.56/m3
We also charge residential sewer based on quarterly (January to March) water consumption at a rate of $1.47/m3.

Water Comparison Chart courtesy of the COLDSTREAMER

"You will be thrilled to know that the water rates are now 80 cents per cubic meter with an additional flat rate of $27.63 per quarter ($110.52 per year). Take a look at comparative water rates in Penticton, Kelowna and Greater Vernon. Penticton appears to be comparable but Kelowna's rates are very progressive as they increase rates with increased consumption."

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