Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Boat Launch A Go A controversial parking lot in Coldstream looks like it will be moving forward.That after a committee had its recommendations on the Kalavista boat launch, approved by District council.Mayor Gary Corner calls it a good compromise.Mayor Corner says, '"They've taken recommendations, one being that we're going to move the tie down area in front of the parking lot that has just been purchased it will be sort of a drive through area where you'll be able to tie down."Kalavista Drive resident Jim Cookson, who initiated a petition against the expansion, disagrees it was a compromise.Cookson says, "Well 575 people signed the petition against the expeansion. the working group actually found ways to make the parking lot bigger than it was when they started. So congratulations to the other side they won."The recommendations will next go to GVSC for approval.(Pete McIntyre June 28-06)

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