Friday, June 30, 2006

City councillor denies rumours

By RICHARD ROLKEMorning Star StaffJun 23 2006 morningstar
A veteran Vernon politician denies he’s resigning. Rumours have been circulating that Coun. Barry Beardsell is considering leaving office, but he says that’s not the case. “Certainly it’s crossed my mind but I’m not doing that. It’s wrong speculation,” said Beardsell, who was first elected in 1996. Beardsell admits he has been extremely concerned about the direction of the Greater Vernon Services Commission and the North Okanagan Regional District and how those agencies impact the city. “Obviously there’s people who know I’m frustrated,” said Beardsell, who sits on the GVSC board. “I was elected as a resident of Vernon to primarily represent the taxpayers of Vernon and I haven’t forgotten that.” Beardsell would not comment on his relationship with the city’s current council. “I won’t start speculating about the direction of council because it’s early on in the term still,” he said. However, Beardsell is lashing out at his colleagues over committee of the whole meetings held on Fridays. “This council was going to be the most open and transparent council,” said Beardsell. “Those (Friday) meetings were originally set up to acquaint the new council members with technical items. They weren’t to become additional meetings.” While the committee of the whole meetings are public, Beardsell says they aren’t well publicized and poorly attended by residents. Today’s session involves resort development, and with previous public concerns about the city’s relationship with developers, Beardsell fears that gives the wrong impression. “There’s a perception (of secrecy) and to see a meeting like this, people will wonder what else is going on.” Beardsell says the Friday sessions are onerous on councillors who already have a busy schedule. “Some of us on council have to work for a living,” he said. Mayor Wayne Lippert defends the Friday meetings. “They are essentially information sessions. They involve staff and we’ve had speakers come in,” he said. “They are committee of the whole meetings because provincial legislation says if council gathers and there is a quorum, they must be committee of the whole.” Lippert says the meetings are publicized on the city Web site, and the public is welcome to attend. “We’re not doing anything behind closed doors,” he said. “Everything done there must go through the regular council meeting and if Coun. Beardsell is concerned about what’s going on, he could attend. He finds time to go to GVSC. If there’s a time issue I could remove him from GVSC so he could attend these other sessions.”

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