Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Vernon council totally off base EDITORIAL JUNE 28

One has to wonder if the problem in Greater Vernon governance is the City of Vernon? A compromise was found earlier this month that clarified how the Greater Vernon Services Commission operates and its relationship with its parent body, the North Okanagan Regional District. However, the city threw a wrench into the whole process Monday, by refusing to support the necessary bylaw changes. Apparently council doesn't believe the document is clear enough when it comes to duties GVSC can't perform. Yet, if you look at the section in question, it is fairly comprehensive. It states that GVSC doesn't have the authority to do a number of things, including policies for financial management, contracting, purchasing, communication and computer systems. How much more of an explanation does the city need? It's also questionable that the city's three NORD representatives raised their hands for the compromise deal in early June and yet they were among the ranks of council members opposing the bylaw Monday. At the time of the NORD vote, Coun. Pat Cochrane was confident the bylaw change would get the support of his council. Such moves will leave residents wondering if the politicians know what they're doing. Support for the bylaw amendment is coming from other NORD members so it appears Vernon is the odd jurisdiction out. By being difficult and nit-picky over wording, the city is not only jeopardizing GVSC's ability to provide services, but its entire relationship with the rest of the regional district. It's time for this entire debacle to end so our elected officials can get on to more important issues. Hopefully, the City of Vernon will agree and begin co-operating.

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