Tuesday, July 04, 2006



By Scott NeufeldThe Vernon Daily Courier
Land Corp. Round Two - (City resumes search for new members; original applicants unsure of where they stand.)

The City of Vernon's decision to ask for more applications for two positions with the land corporation has left some of the original applicants confused about where they stand.The city first issued a request for applications on May 14. But on July 2another request for applications was sent out.Former city council candidate Dean Skoreyko sent in an application but has yet to get any feedback from the city."I'm a little bit confused about the whole process," he said. "Did Iapply? Did the message get through?"By reposting the position, Skoreyko said it appears as if the initialcandidates may not have met the qualifications of what the city waslooking for. He said he hopes the city doesn't simply bring more landdevelopers on to the committee.Andy Danyliu said the Vernon and District Taxpayers' Association put his name up for consideration. He said he has not heard from anyone about his application.Danyliu said he was interested in the position because he wants to make certain that the Land Corporation acts in a more transparent fashion than it has in the past."We wanted to have one of our members, to use an old expression, in thetent to make sure nothing nefarious was going on in the tent," he said.Although still hopeful that he is being considered for the position,Danyliu said that if he is required to re-apply, he won't. He said he hopes the city will still consider his initial application for the posting."As long as everything is above board and legal I would be prepared to contribute in a positive way (to the corporation)," he said.Coun. Barry Beardsell said that council decided to seek more appointments after one individual turned down their offer to join the corporation.He said council decided that it would only be fair if the city advertised the postings a second time.Earlier this year, council appeared to be poised to fold the LandCorporation, which buys and sells city owned property. A few months laterVernon mayor Wayne Lippert said that the corporation was under review butwould not be shut down.Lippert was not available for comment by press time.In May, Lippert said that two new members were needed in case one of thefive current Land Corporation trustees decided to leave. At the time hesaid there was no firm job description but that the city was looking for someone who could add fresh perspective to the corporation."We'll want to have someone that will add to the corporation, bring somevalue to the corporation," he said. "As well they'll have to be an uprightcitizen - someone citizens have respect in."The new deadline for applications is July 14. Interested applicants can send their resumes to Marg Bailey at Vernon City Hall.

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