Saturday, July 01, 2006

Ban blown, says Crown

By Chuck Poulsen Saturday, July 1, 2006
A sensational Kelowna murder trial took a twist Friday when the Crown said television station CHBC had committed an "egregious breach" of a ban on identifying undercover policeofficers.The Crown has asked Madame Justice Mary Humphries to find CHBC in contempt of court for video coverage of the trial aired during Thursday's 5 p.m. and 11 p.m. newscasts.Humphries said she would discuss the issue with the Crown and CHBC, including its lawyers, July 7.She said that session would be designed only to find out "where we might be going and how much time will be required."Humphries viewed the newscast Friday morning."It's of sufficient concern that it has to be dealt with and not fluffed off as if it didn't matter," she said. "Unfortunately, this has impinged on the trial. I want to think about this. It took me by surprise this morning."CHBC had no comment.The news video shows a female undercover RCMP officer who befriended accused killer Ronda Black.The video shows the officer walking outside the courtroom with prosecutor Norm Yates. It does not show her face, but Yates said it identifies the officer because of her physical size and distinctive hairdo.Yates said the Crown office has received calls from private citizens, including Black's mother, saying they could identify the officer as a result of the video.The video was taken off the station's website late Friday morning.Ironically, the newscast was aired the night before Humphries was to rule on a CHBC application to air video of another undercover officer, known as Mr. Big, as he talked a confession out of Black. It was understood that the video would have blurred the image of Mr. Big so he couldn't be identified.Humphries said she would hold off on that ruling, in part, because more electronic intercepts had yet to be entered into evidence. She said she was also hesitant to release the undercover tape if she couldn't have "confidence" in the media sticking to her requirements.Black is charged with the 1998 murder of her husband, Keith Black, in their Westside home.The female officer befriended Ronda and introduced her to Mr. Big, the head of a fictitious crime family.Ronda told Mr. Big how she stabbed Keith in the neck and transported his body to Alberta where a friend, Howard Steadman, buried the remains.On Friday, court heard Ronda tell the female officer, who was carrying a recording device, that she (Ronda) feared that Steadman would find out she had betrayed a confidence never to mention his name."He (Steadman) doesn't want his name to come up," said Ronda. "He's done this kind of thing before. I'd rather go to jail than have this guy find out that I have betrayed him."I'll need protection (provided by the crime family) for myself and my son."Steadman faces a separate charge of being an accessory to murder.


Anonymous said...

test blog

Anonymous said...

I wish you had a link to the video.