Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Complex committee submits final report

By roger knoxMorning Star StaffJul 12 2006
The committee overseeing the proposed cultural complex for downtown Vernon has submitted its final report to Vernon council. Committee chairman Sigrid-Ann Thors led an eight-member delegation that presented the report at Monday morning’s council committee of the whole meeting. The cultural complex would house the library, art gallery and museum under one roof at the old Coldstream Hotel property. In its report, the committee made several recommendations to council: • Review jurisdictional issues, particularly how to proceed with the Greater Vernon Services Commission (GVSC); • Release the final report to the Okanagan Regional Library Board (ORLB) and GVSC; • Extend and define the future mandate for this committee to deal with the Official Community Plan, the library’s long-term plans, establishing structure of jurisdiction, inclusion of other groups and possible phasing in of construction.
Mayor Wayne Lippert was pleased to have received the report and said council will look at the matter at its next council meeting in two weeks. “That surprised me, but I was pleased with that,” said Thors, who publicly thanked the work her committee did on the project, meeting every Friday morning from May 2005 to February 2006. The phasing-in aspect of the library generated significant discussion after Thors stated that the ORLB board wanted to make sure that a new 30,000 square foot library would be included on one floor at entry level, and that parking was mandatory. “I have questions and concerns about 30,000 square feet on one floor,” said Coun. Pat Cochrane. “It would be a huge cost to have it one floor. There would be increased costs for two floors as well. We need to have that information. That’s a huge building.” “Every government institution will want to be one level so that everyone can see what the bureaucrats are working on,” joked Coun. Barry Beardsell. The cultural complex would cost $24 million for the building, but with land, the relocation of utilities such as natural gas and Hydro, escalating costs and parking, the total price tag would be in the neighbourhood of $38 million. Thors said the committee is willing to continue offering its services, including looking at alternative plans. “We were given a mandate as to how the building would be done,” she said. “We could phase in the library, or get the library in then build around it, we don’t know. We haven’t pursued it.” Cochrane and Beardsell urged council to be pro-active. “One option is to look at public-private partnerships,” said Cochrane. “In the past, we did have one or two large companies interested in that property.” Last month, the GVSC postponed any further discussions on the complex until after the final report was received by the city. The GVSC also wants a formal proposal from the city for participation. The city has urged GVSC to take part in the complex, but there has been some reluctance from Coldstream and electoral area representatives because of the costs.

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