http://www.vernon.ca/council/documents/2006/agenda_060724.pdf http://www.vernon.ca/council/documents/2006/agenda_060724_pkg1.pdf
- Mr. Malcom Dunn, President, Downtown Vernon Association re: ntroduction of Mr. Earl Hansen, new Executive Director.
- Quarterly Report by Mr. Terry Pakenham, Manager, Vernon Safe Communities. (P. 19)
- Mr. B. H. Fehrmann, Manager, Finance will present the 2005 Financial Reporting. Council will receive submissions and/or questions from the Public regarding the 2005 Financial Reporting.
- THAT Council support the recommendation from the Finance Committee for the establishment of a Restorative Justice Program at an annual cost of $44,820.00, to be funded from the unused R.C.M.P. contract costs. (P.105)
- THAT Council support a portion of the Heritage Alteration Permit application submitted by officials of S.J. Pasechnik and Son (1997) Ltd. on behalf of Dr. Karl Denk for Lot 14, Blk. 1, Sec. 34, Tp.9, Plan 327, ODYD (2301 – 32nd Avenue) that will allow for a covered stairwell to be enclosed;
AND FURTHER, that Council not support the application for the covered porch to be enclosed as an expansion of commercial floor space in a residential heritage building is contrary to the objective in Policy F14 of Plan Vernon. (P.107) - Letter dated July 12, 2006, from Mr. Pat Lett, The Society For the Future Governance of the North Okanagan, re: Request for Cooperation to work with their Consultant in conducting an independent study of North Okanagan Governance structures. (P.121)
- THAT Council support the recommendation from the Finance Committee that they approve the attached Budget Adjustments for the 2006 Budget, so that an amending bylaw can be prepared for Council’s consideration. (P137)
- THAT Council forward the re-submitted annexation applications from the owners of the properties at 1221 and 1257 BX Road to Electoral Area ‘C’ Director Stan Field for review and comment prior to the applications being further considered by Council. (P.149)
- THAT Council support the application to redesignate Lot 2, DL 67, Plan 19976, ODYD (6401 Tronson Road) from Rural Agricultural to Airport Industrial subject to the expansion of the Airport Industrial designated area being included as part of the review of Plan Vernon and subject to road right-ofway being dedicated from the property as shown on Figure 3.; (P. 159)
AND FURTHER, that the owners of the properties along Tronson Road adjacent to the subject property be contacted to determine if they support their property being redesignated to Airport Industrial as part of the above noted Plan Vernon amendment bylaw. - THAT Council consider the following works to be included in the 2007 Capital Works Budget, at the approximate cost of $420,000: (1.) the installation of a sidewalk and pedestrian creek crossing along the east side of Fulton Road and, (2.) the installation of a Special Crosswalk adjacent to Ellison Elementary School. (P.179)
- Public Hearing scheduled at 5:30 pm, Council Chambers, City Hall:
1. "7163 Bella Vista Road Plan Vernon Amendment Bylaw Number 5032" (OK Hills Dev.)
2. “7163 Bella Vista Road Rezoning and Text Amendment Bylaw Number 5033”
3. “4615 23rd Street Plan Vernon Amendment Bylaw Number 5034” (Hallmark of Abbotsford)
4. “4615 23rd Street Rezoning Bylaw Number, 5035, 2006”
5. AND to hear PUBLIC INPUT on “Development Variance Permit #00072”.
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