Monday, July 03, 2006

Improper Issuance of Political Contribution Tax Receipts


Ottawa - The following letter was sent to the Canada Revenue Agency from the Conservative Party of Canada: June 30, 2006

Canada Revenue Agency
Enforcement and Investigation Section
7th Floor
555 MacKenzie Avenue
Ottawa, ON K1A 0L5

To Whom it may concern:
Re: Improper Issuance of Political Contribution Tax Receipts

We wish to bring to your attention that the Liberal Party of Canada has publicly acknowledged that it has apparently been issuing political contribution tax receipts for 100% of the price of admission to Liberal Party functions where the ticket buyer receives significant personal benefits - for meals, drink, entertainment and the like. This information was conveyed yesterday to the media by the Executive Director of the Liberal Party of Canada, Steve MacKinnon. As you are well aware, receipts for political contributions can confer significant tax benefits for the donor. It would therefore appear that the Liberal Party of Canada has been using Canadian taxpayers to subsidize its supporters to attend Liberal Party events. We would therefore ask you to investigate the legitimacy of tax receipting practices by the Liberal Party of Canada.

Yours truly,
Mike Donison
Executive Director, Conservative Party of Canada

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