Friday, July 14, 2006

Looking for 'change of heart

By Vernon Daily Courier StaffFriday, July 14, 2006
If council thinks that the issue of sewer pumps along Okanagan Landing Road is going to go away, resident Alan Hill says they will have a court battle on their hands.Not ready to accept council’s decision that property owners in the area will have to pay to have grinder pumps installed and maintained, Hill said that Okanagan Landing residents will continue to push council to “do the right thing.”The prohibitive cost of hooking up to the new sewer line that was installed along the road has angered a number of the residents, Hill said. The city voted Monday not to ease the financial burden for the residents.“We’re not talking about peanuts here,” Hill said. “We’re talking $15,000 to $20,000 per pump, per person.”Hill released a press release on Wednesday through the Vernon and District Taxpayers Association to try and convince council that they had made a mistake. Council’s decision may mean that other areas in the city could one day pay high sewer installation costs, he said.“This decision represents a dangerous precedent for residents in other parts of the city and in future annexations,” he said in the release.Although he would rather avoid a lawsuit, Hill said legal action will be taken if the city chooses to ignore the promises made by past politicians. He said the city can use punitive measures to force residents to hook up to the new sewer line and that could trigger a lawsuit.“Of course there is the legal aspect,” he said. “It wouldn’t be the first time the City of Vernon has been sued and lost.” However, Hill said that he wants to avoid going to court because he would rather work out a resolution with the city.“We don’t want to contemplate (a lawsuit) at the moment because we hope (council) will have a change of heart,” he said.Hill said that according to a 1992 report, the city agreed that improvement to the sewer in Okanagan Landing would be seen as an extension of existing lines and would be provided at no cost to residents.“The whole point is we have evidence of the promise made by former city council that they would not be charged to residents,” he said. “We feel if a commitment is made to us . . . then certain conditions should apply.”

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