Monday, July 31, 2006

MY TOWN -door-to-door marketing

ARTICLE WRITTEN BY TERRY PAKENHAM POSTED WITH PERMISSION: (Originally published in the Vernon Daily Courier)

Recently I was made aware of an individual going door-to-door marketing carpet cleaning services. As a result of some follow-up enquiries it was determined that this individual did not possess a Vernon business license and produced a business card with nothing more than a business name, a 1-888 phone number, and a description of the services that could be provided. In this particular case both the individual and the business he was representing may be perfectly legitimate but there should have been “red flags” going up before anyone contracted the services. Many situations similar to this rests in the old adage of “buyer beware”. As consumers we must all be careful as to the products and services we buy. One of the first questions that should be asked is if the business or individual has obtained a business license through the City of Vernon. The next thing that should be determined is if the business or individual is based locally and if they have both a verifiable business address and phone number. It also wise to get a written estimate or quote for the work that needs to be done and then obtain a second opinion. Do not sign anything until you are completely satisfied that all your concerns and questions have been answered. This may sound like a lot of effort for a $50-$100 job but we have many reported instances where the bill ends up being $200 or more. Do not be drawn into the special deals for limited times. This is a typical high pressure sales tactic often resulting in the consumer making a decision without going through the cautionary checks before getting the work done. Ask for verifiable references so that you can make contact with them and ensure that the services provided were adequate. Remember, as a potential consumer you have the first right of refusal when being offered a particular service. For door-to-door sales the first line of defense is the locked front door. If you are at all concerned about the individual advise them to leave information and you will review it at your leisure. If you are being solicited over the telephone be very careful as to the information or commitments you are providing. If you have any concerns simply hang-up.
If you have any particular concerns or questions you feel would make an interesting article please make contact with me, Terry Pakenham, at my fax line 260-5866, or my direct office line at 260-5276.

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