Friday, July 28, 2006

Parks Plan Slammed

The N-D-P is slamming the B-C government for opening up provincial parks to hotel developments.Opposition environment critic Shane Simpson says this is just the beginning of a major privatization of B-C parks.He says the Liberals have ignored advice from a parks panel that said any hotels should be built outside parks so the local community can benefit.Simpson is also critical of the government's lack of public consultation when coming up with the new policy.The Western Canada Wilderness Committee says the new park lodge strategy will allow private, for-profit development within park boundaries and lacks public consultation.Spokeswoman Gwen Barlee says she's concerned that when parks are managed for an economic bottom line, the ecological bottom line gets lost.She says parks are a public legacy for the people of B-C and should remain intact for future generations.The provincial government is seeking proposals to build fixed-roof accommodations in 12 provincial parks, including at Sovereign Lake in Silver Star Park and at Fintry on the west side of Okanagan Lake.

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