Brew Back on Bill
There's been an interesting twist in the by-election set for Spallumcheen next month.Dave Brew, who resigned from council in April for health reasons, now wants to return to council, sayinghis health has improved.Brew is one of two people running for the seat vacated by Terry Frame.There are five people running for the two other vacant positions, one of which was created by Brew's resignation, and the other by the death of Murray Blackwell.Both by-elections will be held August 26. (Pete McIntyre July 28-06)
Water Project Delayed
Residents on the Duteau Creek water source will be waiting longer to get better quality water.Greater Vernon Services has been told, the timeline for the new clarification plant has been delayed by six weeks.That means completion, originally set for late 2007, is now pushed back to the spring of 2008.The project will remove most of the colour and turbidity problems.The engineering firm, Earth Tech, has been awarded the $161000 contract for the plant's preliminarydesign. (Pete McIntyre July 28-06)
Pottery Park Plan
The former landfill site on Pottery Road, is being targeted for new park-space.Greater Vernon Services says the 27 acre site would be suitable for pathways, a picnic area and dog park,and could also form part of a walking route from Coldstream Valley Estates to the Hillview School area.The plan will move forward as long as NORD agrees to construct fencing, an access road and a parking lot. (Pete McIntyre July 28)
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