Wednesday, August 30, 2006

All Talk--No Action
There's been more talk, but no progress, on the governance issue that's disrupted Greater Vernon Services and NORD for many months.Vernon council members recently met in-camera with lawyers and local administrators to discuss the matter.Councillor Barry Beardsell says there's still concerns with the proposed bylaw.Its just general (concerns) on the overall structure. The way everything works."Beardsell says the city has put off further consideration of the bylaw pending more discussion with municipal staff.The bylaw outlines what activities GVSC would not be responsible as a committee under NORD's umbrella.GVSC chairman Gary Corner feels NORD should table the bylaw and get on with other issues." In all honesty, if we can work together with each other--and I think things are working well now--then perhaps this just isn't the time to deal with that delegation bylaw." (Pete McIntyre Aug 30)

Coldstream Referendum Set For Fall
New fire halls in Coldstream and Lavington will be the subject of a four million dollar borrowing referendum in Coldstream this fall. Mayor Gary Corner says its time for residents to make a decision. "The timing is never good to go out and borrow four million dollars but these are two necessary buildings for the municipality to move into the future. Both these buildings are getting older and smaller and some of the new equipment just won't fit into it."A tentative date of November 18-th is set for for referendum.If approved, taxes would go up $70 to $80 a year for the average Coldstream homeowner. (Pete McIntyre Aug 30)

City Legal Costs Soar
Its costing the city of Vernon more to conduct its legal business.City council has approved an extra $50,000 in legal spending this year, bringing the total to $200,000.Finance committee chair Patrick Nicol says its due to a number of legal matters. "The review of the Subdivision Development bylaw, the water distribution options, the Official Community Plan review, changes to the Wasterwater Treatment operating certificate."Meantime, the city's staff costs are also going up with the approval of another full time staff member.A long range planning assistant with a salary of $65,000, will be hired to help with the upcoming review of the Official Community Plan. It will be a full time position but council agreed to take the word 'permanent' out of the motion. (Pete McIntyre Aug 30)

Growers Plant Seed For City Support
Okanagan orchardists are hoping local government will back their battle to get more funding from Ottawa and Victoria.B-C Fruit Growers Vice President Pierre Calissi told Vernon council, apple growers have suffered an 'economic tsunami' the last two years due to a price collapse. He says the federal program designed to help, doesn't adequately cover the losses.Calissi also had to defend the S-I-R program which has been criticized by some council members.He tells KISS FM, "There's been growing pains (with the moth reduction program) but what are the alternatives? We could throw all that money and technology away and then go back to chronic calender (chemical) spraying where in Washington state they spray up to 6 to 8 times of OP products, into the environment."The growers are requesting a letter of support from the city, which will be discussed at the next council meeting. (Pete McIntyre Aug 30)

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