Friday, August 11, 2006

Campaign nastiness reaches beyond candidates

Don Quixote Notes:

This is a title of an editorial published on Page A7 of the Vernon Edition of The Daily Courier. It is an editorial from John Harding who is the managing Editor of the Kelowna Daily Courier defending his Vernon Editor, David Wylie from e-mail attacks from the wife of our local M.P.

I have not been able to get a copy that I can post yet but it is well worth the money to buy the paper for this Editorial alone.

Out of Context excerpts from Editorial:
  • What precipitated this editorial from the editor of this paper's boss? MP Colin Mayes' wife, Jacquie. We got hold of an e-mail Jacquie had sent, asking - get this - for people to pray "that God will shine through him (Colin) and give him the wisdom to only say what God would have him say. " For what, according to Jacquie, did this MP need these prayers? A meeting with this paper's editor, David Wylie.
  • Other parts of the e-mail state "we are being attacked by principalities and powers that are evil." Huh? David Wylie? This well trained , experienced young journalist, who when we don't have him locked in the office for 12 hours a day, spends his time as a pastor who counsels youth. He's about as far away from anti-Christian one can get, but he can be guided by those principles and still do the job well.
  • Colin Mayes is a living example of why the Conservatives have a difficult time making headway in other parts of the country. It's honourable to live by Christian values, but entirely another thing to have it front and centre in everything one does, and it seems decidedly un-Christian to paint another Christian, who works hard and volunteeers to help the less fortunate in our communities as evil.
  • Stephen Harper needs to have (another) serious chat with Colin Mayes. Or will local Conservatives deal with this situation through the nomination process?
  • We will not endorse any candidate in this nomination battle, which has obviously become decidedly nasty. But we will also not sit by and let Colin Mayes or his wife take ridiculous, unwarranted shots at a hard-working journalist who just also happens to be a dedicated Christian.

Please read full editorial available in this morning's Vernon Daily Courier

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