Wednesday, August 16, 2006

City goes its own way

By RICHARD ROLKE Morning Star StaffAug 16 2006
Politicians have diverted course when it comes to appointments to the Vernon Airport Corporation. Council only approved one of three recommended names from the corporation board for new directors Monday. However, that doesn’t upset the corporation’s president. “Ultimately council appoints directors to the board,” said Ian Hawes. Coun. Barry Beardsell defended going against the corporation’s wishes. “Only one (of the recommendations) has aircraft flying experience. These don’t appear to be people who are appropriate,” he said.
The one recommendation upheld by council was Ross Burrows, a realtor who has belonged to the Vernon Flying Club for 20 years and is chairman of the soon to be disbanded aircraft advisory committee. Receiving council’s nod was Rick Thorburn, an architect who is a pilot and past-chairman of the North Okanagan Airport (now Vernon) and past-president of the Vernon Flying Club. Perhaps the most controversial appointment was Bill Baker, a vocal critic of the corporation’s activities. “While the corporation may not want him, he’d add great value,” said Coun. Patrick Nicol. “He’s demonstrated as a citizen that he has something to say and he’s a thoughtful guy.” Both Councillors Pat Cochrane and Buffy Baumbrough voted against Baker sitting on the board. “In terms of a corporation and trying to move forward, his viewpoint doesn’t necessarily gel,” said Baumbrough. Baker played in the Canadian Football League in the 1960s and 1970s, and was CFL president in 1988. He has also been involved in public and private corporations. One of the appointments Monday was to replace a retiring director, while the two other positions are new. The board has increased from five to seven members.

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