Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Dean Skoreyko officially declared a candidate !

For immediate release August 29 2006:

Dean Skoreyko has been officially declared a candidate in the Okanagan-Shuswap Conservative nomination race by the National Conservative Selection Committee. Skoreyko is the only candidate in British Columbia who has had his application approved to run as a challenger to an incumbent MP.

“Although I was confident that I would be accepted, it’s nice to have this behind me. It was a very lengthy and extremely comprehensive process this time and I’m thrilled to have passed with flying colours. It is very satisfying to have completed such a long procedure including the interview and background checks that no current MP has had to go through. With one week to go, I can concentrate fully on other aspects of my campaign now.” states Skoreyko.

For further information please contact:
Dean Skoreyko

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