Sunday, August 13, 2006

Garth Turner's view on Incumbent' s being subjected to Nomination Contest

Full Article plus comments at
As for the Tories protecting poor, vulnerable MPs like me, well, forget it. Sometime in the near future I will become a candidate for my own job and have to wage a war to run to be an MP again, if someone decides to take me on. I will have to finance this out of my own pocket, on my own time, not using my office budget and devote at least a month of time to this alone, instead of doing what I'm supposed to do – be an MP and help people.

Not that I am complaining, of course. This is democracy. I should have to prove I am the best guy for the job. After all, at least one group of people already threatened a while ago that they plan to swamp our nomination meeting with insta-Tories and dump me because they fear I will not vote to open up gay marriage for debate. (And I won’t.) Meanwhile, it may surprise you, but there are elements within my own party which would not fall into a prolonged mourning if the good ship Garth hit an iceberg. Hell, I think just about anything could happen. And probably will.

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