Thursday, August 17, 2006

Photo contest targets MP

By Scott NeufeldThursday, August 17, 2006,
Though he hasn’t yet accumulated a paparazzi following, MP Colin Mayes could be the subject of a few more snapshots than usual in the coming weeks.The Young Liberals of Canada have started a photo scavenger hunt encouraging people to take candid snapshots of Mayes and six other Conservative MPs and alter them using Photoshop. The best photo creation will win an iPod.While he can see the humour in the contest, Mayes said that constantly poking fun at politicians gives the public a negative perception of their elected officials.“All remarks paint a picture and not necessarily a nice picture,” he said. “Quite frankly it makes me cringe when jokes are made about politicians.”However, Mayes said that the Conservatives have been known to poke fun at the Liberals on occasion.“They’re having fun,” he said. “Quite frankly the Liberals are not the only ones guilty of this.”Richard Diamond, president of the Young Liberals, the party’s offshoot organization for youth, said that the contest is a tongue-in-cheek method of raising a serious issue. “One of the things concerning us, and has been for a long time, is that Stephen Harper muzzles his backbench MPs,” he said. “We feel it’s important for us on opposition to point that out to Canadians.”Diamond said the Prime Minister has tried to keep his more controversial ministers under wraps and the contest puts some of them in the spotlight. Joining Mayes in the contest are three MPs from Alberta: Rahim Jaffer, Rob Anders and Bob Mills and three from Ontario: Cheryl Gallant, David Sweet and Pierre Poilievre.The contest opened Aug. 14 and closes on Sept. 4. So far about a dozen photos have been submitted, none of Mayes.When asked if he felt muzzled by the party, Mayes said he’s never felt he can’t speak his mind. But he also said he avoids making jokes at the expense of his colleagues. He said jeering and attacking the character of other MPs in the House of Commons is something he’s not in favour of.“I’ve always had a little bit of a challenge sort of mocking and painting duly elected people as either buffoons or not trustworthy,” he said. “By the Liberals doing this on their page here, for immediate release, it is a slam against all elected people.”Contrary to what the public perception might be, Mayes said that MPs work very hard to represent their constituents well. He said he’s been impressed with the level of dedication he’s seen on Parliament Hill.“All in all the MPs I have met, not only in our caucus but the Liberal, a lot of them are hardworking good people trying to do their best,” he said. Mayes said he can already guess what the images of him might look like.“I will probably be painted as the person who wants to throw journalists in jail,” he said. “Which is not what I said . . . but which will probably stick for the rest of my career.”
Don Quixote Note: In order that the voters of this riding can exchange a picture of our M.P. Colin Mayes and possibly win an Ipod for one of their children the Young Liberals Website and comments are listed blelow.
The Young Liberals of Canada are seeking help to find:
Cheryl Gallant who believes that “a functioning uterus can be an impediment to getting a job”
David Sweet who hasn’t been seen since his days with the Promise Keepers;
The 'Real' Rahim Jaffer not his radio impersonator;
Pierre Poilievre who vanished after making an interesting gesture in the House of Commons;
Rob Anders who called Nelson Mandela a “terrorist;”
Collin Mayes who wants to throw journalists in jail, a warning, this may extend to Young Liberals; and
Bob Mills who thinks “CO2 is a plant food.”

Out of deep concern for these missing MPs, the Young Liberals of Canada has issued a challenge to all Canadians: track down the missing in action Conservatives for fun and profit! Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s lackeys are more elusive than the Sasquatch – but at least there are photos of the Sasquatch. Can you help us prove these MPs’ exist? If you can spot them, send a recent live or photoshop- created photo of any of the Conservative M.I.A. Caucus members to, by September 4th, for the chance to win an iPod! The Table Officers of the Young Liberals will pick the winning photo. Preference will go to recent in-person photographs. Please make sure to respect their privacy as much as Pierre Poilievre respects Parliament (extra points if you get an obscene gesture from him).

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